Meet the Team: Nathan Camilleri

March 02, 2023

Meet the Team

Nathan Camilleri

Juventus, Ferrari, AI: these are things that Nathan Camilleri loves. A graduate with a bachelor in artificial intelligence who prefers to work fully remotely, Nathan has been fascinated by what happens behind the screen of any technology since he was little and could get a PlayStation controller in his hands. He hates coffee, has a passion for travel, enjoys playing football, and likes to unwind at the gym. He brings that same passion and dedication into work every day.

Here’s Nathan Camilleri, in his own words.

Team photo of Nathan Camilleri

How long have you been working for Cleverbit?

Since last July, which would make it about seven months.

What is your role at Cleverbit?

I’m a junior software developer with the InScope-AML team. I help create and maintain software that makes it a lot easier for businesses to follow anti-money laundering regulations and ensure they remain compliant with AML guidelines.

I used to play a lot of videogames on my PS1, and I remember being fascinated with how you could control a character on screen and have adventures in virtual worlds. I think MediEvil and Pepsiman – so an adventure game, and a kind of dodging/racing game – were the ones I played the most often.

Did you always know you wanted to work in tech?

Absolutely. I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can solve problems and make things easier for people, so as I started getting older, I paid a lot of attention to computer science and programming. It ended up being a natural progression from there into a career in technology, and I’m still fascinated every day by how technology can improve people’s lives; it’s so gratifying to be part of an innovative industry.

Describe your day-to-day routine, if you have one.

When I wake up, I have a cup of water – I’m not a big fan of coffee – and start my day of work. After work, I go to the gym and get a workout in, since I spend most of my time sitting down all day, and then see if I can call up my friends. Usually, that call ends up as a discussion or turns into a gaming session, but it’s a nice way to end the day.

People who work with tech can be superstitious. Do you have a favourite computer superstition or ritual that probably doesn’t work – but you still do it anyway?

I’m not really superstitious, so I can’t really say that I have any specific rituals…

Who is your professional hero?

Cristiano Ronaldo: I admire the way that he showed the entire world that if you believe in yourself and work hard, you can achieve all that you can imagine.

How did you end up working at Cleverbit?

It was near the end of my degree, and I wanted to go into the working world as soon as I finished, so I was looking around for opportunities. Cleverbit stood out to me immediately because of the technologies and projects that you get to work with.

Is there a project that you’ve worked on at Cleverbit that really stood out to you for whatever reason?

I mainly worked with the InScope-AML team, which has really expanded my knowledge about compliance related things that I’ve never really thought about or experienced before.

What’s the office culture like at Cleverbit?

Phenomenal. I’ve never worked with so many like-minded people looking to better themselves, and everyone’s so friendly and helpful, regardless of whether you’re in the office or working remotely.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

I love animals, so I think I would love being a vet, but I don’t think I’ll be changing my career path any time soon!

Headquartered in Europe, Cleverbit Software is a prominent custom software development company, employing over 70 skilled professionals across the EU, UK and US. Specialising in custom software for business efficiency, we work with a diverse international clientele in various industries including banking and insurance, SaaS, and healthcare. Our commitment to solving problems and delivering solutions that work makes us a trusted partner with our clients.

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