Meet the Team: Eman Tanti Dougall

August 17, 2023

Meet the Team

Eman Tanti Dougall

Eman stands out as a Team Lead, relishing the daily intricacies and camaraderie of office dynamics. An aviation enthusiast, Eman has had the thrill of flying a plane, yet his passion predominantly finds an outlet in simulator games and assembling detailed model aircraft. His diverse interests extend to photography, table tennis, regular gym routines, and engaging online gaming sessions. Combining organisational finesse, empathy, and a playful sense of humour, Eman is undeniably a cherished colleague. Beyond work, he showcases culinary talents, crafting delightful meals for family and friends.

Team photo of Eman Tanti Dougall

How long have you been working for Cleverbit?

I have just celebrated my 4 years anniversary.

What is your role at Cleverbit?

I’m a Team Lead.

How would you describe your job to someone without a technical background?

Solving problems and improving lives for people through technology. I listen to the client’s needs and requirements, propose, and implement solutions to help improve their day-to-day running of their business.

I can remember getting my first computer at home, which came with an Encarta Encyclopedia disc. I was fascinated by the program and its visual effects. I also remember convincing my mum to buy cereal (which I never ate after all!) just for the demo game CDs they used to include. I used to choose the cereal based on the game, now I choose the cereal based on its sugar content 😊

Did you always know you wanted to work in tech?

I wouldn’t say I always knew, but I was quite certain early on in life. My plan was to become a software developer and save up to become an airline pilot. But I guess I loved my job so much that I had a change of plans!

Describe your day-to-day routine, if you have one.

I’m not a morning person, so I typically wake up quite late, unless I have personal appointments. Upon waking, I check my phone for pending emails or Teams messages, then take a quick shower. I feed my cats and spend some time with them, share a morning chat with my wife, and pray there’s no traffic outside (this prayer rarely works, but I always try my luck anyway). Then, I drive to the office. Once there, I kick off my day with a cup of coffee and dive into my planned tasks. The afternoons tend to be packed with meetings, so I aim to get the bulk of my work done in the mornings.

People who work with tech can be superstitious. Do you have a favourite computer superstition or ritual?

I don’t believe in superstitions at all. In fact, I often tease people who do. However, I do live by this saying: ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Who is your professional hero?

I don’t really have heroes as such. However, during our Maltese summers, I regard Willis Carrier, the inventor of modern air conditioning, as my hero. I can’t imagine life without A/C. I hope he has a special place in heaven.

How did you end up working at Cleverbit?

I was keen to change the tech stack I had been working on. Almost immediately, a recruiter approached me and suggested Cleverbit. I was instantly impressed by their approach, so I decided to join this amazing company!

Is there a project that you’ve worked on at Cleverbit that really stood out to you for whatever reason?

The project I’m currently working on revolves around Drayage and Warehousing. I hadn’t realised before just how intricate it is, from daily tasks to long-term planning and forecasts. This complexity is what makes it so exciting to work on!

What’s the office culture like at Cleverbit?

That’s the reason I come to the office every day! Everyone is so friendly and outgoing. We share many jokes and engage in all sorts of (sometimes weird) conversations during breaks. And the coffee is fantastic too 🙂

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Without a doubt, an airline pilot! I have all the gear and a setup for flight simulators at home. The next step is to get an actual private pilot licence someday 🙂

Headquartered in Europe, Cleverbit Software is a prominent custom software development company, employing over 70 skilled professionals across the EU, UK and US. Specialising in custom software for business efficiency, we work with a diverse international clientele in various industries including banking and insurance, SaaS, and healthcare. Our commitment to solving problems and delivering solutions that work makes us a trusted partner with our clients.

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